Equator is looming

Equator is looming

The equator is looming ahead for the sailors of Jade’s Journey.

 27/01/2022: After a short stopover in Cape Town,  South Africa, Sébastien Destremau and his daughter Jade are only a short distance from crossing the equator onboard Merci.

« I can’t wait to enter the northern hemisphere. It’s a step that brings us closer to the finish line of this very long journey.  »  said the impatient young Australian.

Having left Perth in Australia mid-December, it has only taken about forty days at sea for the father/daughter duo to reach the « other side ».

A hemisphere Merci left fifteen months ago when the experienced skipper took part in his second Vendée Globe in 2020. « Watching the GPS going down to Latitude ZERO is always fun and feels special ». he said.

Crossing the equator will be a first for Jade, since the young lady had never sailed before undertaking this 18,000 kilometer, halfway-round-the-world trip with her father.

 « And of course, there’s the Offering Ceremony to King Neptune, in order for him to grant permission to pass «  said the father mischievously to his daughter.

Follow the « Route de Jade » and its tracking on www.faceocean.fr