Jade’s Journey

Jade’s Journey

Father-daughter duo sailing around the world onboard Merci 

The imoca Merci, yacht of the Vendée Globe, is about to depart on ”Jade’s Journey” with Sébastien Destremau and his daughter Jade (18) onboard. A non-stop 18,000 kilometer journey from  Australia (Perth) to its home port in France.

« When I asked Dad if I could come with him, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. However, he did offer me the warning : « Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into, Jade?”.  And no, I don’t know what to expect, as apart from a Toulon-Porquerolles trip when I was little, I have never sailed on a boat before. I’m sure the voyage will be long, and scary at times, but I’m excited to live this adventure with my Dad. ” said an anxious Jade a couple of days before the big departure, scheduled for Monday December 13th.

A  perilous journey awaits the father and daughter, who are preparing to take a trip halfway around the world. They will cross the Indian Ocean, circumvent the Cape of Good Hope  bypass Africa and finally ascend the two Atlantic oceans (South and North) before arriving in France in the middle of winter.

« It was a surprise and a real joy to me when my daughter, barely 18 years old and knowing nothing about sailing, asked if she could come with me. It’s going to be a unique experience for her and for me ” says the two-time Vendée Globe participant.

”Jade’s Journey » should last between seven and eight weeks, however, father and daughter embark with sixty days of food « plus a few extras just in case” Jade’s mother concluded.


Follow ”Jade’s Journey” on www.faceocean.fr or the tracking updated every 10 minutes HERE https://bit.ly/3Gvdts7 

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